Are you ready for this?


2020, here we come!

With a new year (and a new decade!) right around the corner, it’s time for our annual Snap & Sell Photo Club reader survey.

Every year I look forward to reading your responses because it’s the best way for me to choose the most helpful topics to focus on in the year ahead.

I want S&SPC to be a place where we can share both our successes and challenges, and your answers to this quick survey help make that possible.

So how did you do on your stock photography this past year?

What did you learn in 2019 that you can use to keep pushing forward?

And most importantly, where do you want to be with your stock photography by this time next year?

The changing of the calendar is a perfect time to take a moment to step back and see where you’ve come from and where you want to go.

I really believe that photography is an endless process of learning and growing. And selling your photos as stock can play a major role in that journey.

Thank you for being a part of our community and here’s to new successes in a new year!

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