
A Fond Farewell

By James Good | November 1, 2021 | 0 Comments

Today is bittersweet as it’s my last e-letter to the Snap & Sell Photo Club. Although I am sad to say goodbye, I want to end by celebrating this wonderful community. For over a decade Snap & Sell Photo Club (formerly Breakfast Stock Club) has provided a space to learn, ask questions, encourage each other, […]

Start editing your photos while on the road!

By James Good | October 24, 2021 | 0 Comments

Many of us here are travelers and photographers, and it’s only natural to go on a trip and end up capturing thousands of photos that need to be culled and edited. I personally like to start my editing process while on the road in my downtime. And over the years, I have learned to use […]

What Lens Should You Use?

By James Good | October 17, 2021 | 0 Comments

Do you ever look into your camera bag and wonder what lens to pull out? From a creative standpoint, the lens you pick should be a very intentional decision. Think of a lens as your camera’s eye. It’s how your camera sees the world. For example, wide-angle lenses see the world very differently from telephoto […]

Add some movement to your photos!

By James Good | October 10, 2021 | 0 Comments

We live in a world in constant motion. There are people and animals moving around, vehicles rushing, tree leaves rustling and clouds floating by. Everything is in movement. So why settle for static images of static objects? Even though we think of photography as stopping motion and capturing a split second in time, by using […]

How many words are there for light?

By James Good | October 3, 2021 | 0 Comments

We talk a lot about the importance of keywording your photos for stock. After all, keywords are how most buyers will find your images. If you aren’t sure how this process works, this post will get you up to speed. When adding keywords, have you ever considered the lighting in your scene? Light often adds […]

Speed Up Your Lightroom Editing

By James Good | September 26, 2021 | 0 Comments

When it comes to photo editing software, Lightroom is by far the most popular. It is packed with features to make your workflow easier when going through thousands of photos. But when you start using Lightroom, it can feel overwhelming. I know it was for me when I tried to edit my photos for the […]

It’s storytime!

By James Good | September 19, 2021 | 0 Comments

Photography is made for telling stories. As humans we love a good story. It’s the best way to capture someone’s attention and convey emotion. For this reason some of the best-selling stock photos are also those that tell a compelling story. So how do you make a photo that tells a story? Here are some […]

Maximize your sales as a fine art photographer

By James Good | September 12, 2021 | 0 Comments

In the past years, the art industry has been changing and art sales have been steadily increasing. Print on demand sites like Fine Art America, RedBubble, Society6 and Zazzle have been around for years and are allowing emerging artists to market and sell their work without worrying about the logistics of printing and shipping. But […]

Expect the unexpected

By James Good | September 5, 2021 | 0 Comments

Sometimes you know exactly what you want to photograph. You can picture the image in your mind, so you plan it out and make it happen. You get the shot. Awesome! But what if you didn’t put your camera away after getting the photo you were after? What if you just kept on shooting for […]

Don’t be afraid of the dark!

By James Good | August 29, 2021 | 0 Comments

A lot of us photographers feel more than capable of taking good outdoor photos in bright sunlight. However, there are many scenarios when we can also find ourselves working in less-than-ideal lighting situations such as inside churches and temples, during candlelit ceremonies, or even simple portraits in a dark room. This can result in a […]