Using a Reflector for Better Outdoor Photos


What’s missing from this photo?

It’s from our stock photo workshop last weekend at Lise Gagne’s photo studio in Quebec City, Canada, where professional photographer Shelly Perry was directing shoots outside.

You may have seen a similar shot in the workshop dispatches last week. Here’s what the photographer, Caroline Maryan, says about the shot…

“Shelly and I were photographing my ‘spa’ set-up outside in the shade. It was sunny out, but something wasn’t right with the light. Shelly kept saying ‘There’s something missing,’ but we couldn’t figure out what it was. Then suddenly she said ‘Oh I know what it is,’ and ran off. She came back with a gold reflector and bounced some sunlight down into the middle of the scene. What a difference it made!”

Here’s Caroline’s second photo, with light reflected onto it from a gold-colored reflector:

Notice how this photo is the exact same set-up… but it’s much warmer and the light is more balanced than in the first shot. All that was missing was a little light. A reflector is the perfect, two-second fix.

Try to get out this week and shoot in the shade, reflecting light down onto your objects with a reflector or a piece of white foam core or poster board. Then, if any questions come up while you’re shooting, you can post them on the Breakfast StockClub Facebook page.

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