Here are some things you can do to increase your stock photography sales. Keep in mind that getting started is usually the hardest part. Use this guide to start selling stock photos now.
It’s time to focus on making more stock photography sales. If your stock photos just aren’t selling, there are a number of reasons why that could be. Learn how to attract more buyers.
Here is a helpful guide to start selling stock photos. If you want to turn your photos into a side income with stock, right now is the best time to start.
Here are five simple ways to spice up your iconic travel photos. Use these ideas on your next trip, or try them on a photo walk near your home.
Remove the distractions from your photos. Whatever you do, work the shot. There are a lot of ways to make a photo look great!
Learn how to protect your photos by adding your copyright information into the metadata. If someone finds your photo, they can look inside the file information and see your copyright and contact information.
Each photo that you upload to an agency needs a title, description, and keywords. Keywords are how your photos are found in searches. Here are the do’s and don’ts of keywording stock photography.
Selling photos online as stock that include recognizable people and legible shop signs and brand names is possible. Find out more about editorial stock and how to sell your photos on a stock site.
It’s always a good idea to do a little pre-trip research if you want to take stock shots while traveling. What are the best-selling photos for that destination, and how can you put your own twist on them?
The best thing about using an off-camera flash is you have full control over the outcome. How hard is it, truly, to learn how to use off-camera flash? If you follow a couple of super-simple rules, off-camera flash becomes easy.